How to Insulate Your House for Winter?

Matt Keane
July 14, 2023

Winter is coming, and the question that keeps popping into our minds is: How do you insulate your house for winter? In Ireland, it's essential to make your home winter-ready to withstand the frigid temperatures and stormy weather.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the details of how to insulate your house for winter, the types of insulation, the installation process, the costs involved, and why it's critical for your home. At BuildPro, we are your trusted partner in ensuring your home remains cosy and warm during the cold season. So, let's get started!

Why Insulate Your House for Winter?

Insulating your home is about more than just staying warm. Proper insulation contributes to a more energy-efficient and cost-effective home. Let's look at some key reasons to insulate your home for the winter.

Energy Efficiency

Insulation slows down the heat transfer process, preventing warm air from escaping your home during the winter. It maintains temperature consistency in your house, reducing the need for heating systems to work overtime.

Cost Savings

A well-insulated home can significantly reduce your heating bills as a direct result of energy efficiency. The investment in insulation can pay off within a few years by saving on your energy costs.

Environmental Impact

By reducing energy consumption, you're not only saving money but also helping the environment. Less energy use means fewer greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a healthier planet.

Increased Home Value

A well-insulated home is a valuable asset. It can increase your home's resale value, making it more attractive to potential buyers who are aware of the long-term benefits of a well-insulated home.

Types of Insulation

Choosing the right insulation is critical when you're wondering how to insulate your house for the winter. Each type of insulation has different properties, and the choice depends on where you want to install it.

Blanket Insulation

This type of insulation comes in batts or rolls and is commonly made from fibreglass. It's best suited for insulating unfinished walls, floors, and ceilings.

Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation expands when applied, making it ideal for hard-to-reach areas. It offers a higher R-value (a measure of thermal resistance) per inch than most other insulation materials.

Loose-Fill Insulation

This type of insulation consists of small particles of fibre, foam, or other materials. It's ideal for attic spaces, existing finished areas, and irregularly shaped areas.

Rigid Foam Insulation

Rigid foam insulation provides a high R-value and excellent moisture resistance. It's often used to insulate basement walls and exterior walls.

Reflective Insulation

This type of insulation reflects radiant heat, making it ideal for attics and new roofs. It's particularly effective in hot climates.

How Much Insulation Do You Need?

The amount of insulation needed depends on the climate, the type of heating and cooling system in your home, and the part of the house you're insulating. It's often measured in R-values, with higher values offering better thermal performance.

In Ireland, the Building Regulations specify the minimum R-values required for different parts of the house. At BuildPro, our experts can help determine the right amount of insulation for your specific situation.

Where to Insulate Your Home?

Identifying the areas in your home that need insulation is a crucial step. Here's where you should be considering insulation.


Heat rises, and in an uninsulated home, a quarter of the heat is lost through the roof. Insulating your attic can significantly reduce heat loss.


About a third of the heat loss in an uninsulated home is through the walls. Insulating your external and internal walls can considerably improve your home's warmth.


Insulating your ground floor can prevent about 10% of your home's heat from escaping. It also helps keep your floor warmer in the winter.

Doors and Windows

Though they make up a smaller area of your home, poorly insulated doors and windows can cause significant heat loss. Using draught-proofing methods and insulating glazing can help.

Insulating the Attic

The attic is a prime target for insulation. Here's how you can insulate it.

Roll-Out Insulation

You can use roll-out insulation for your attic floor, typically made of mineral wool, glass wool, or sheep's wool. It's easy to install, but ensure it doesn't block any ventilation spaces.

Loose-Fill Insulation

Loose-fill insulation, like cellulose, mineral wool, or glass fibre, is ideal for irregularly shaped areas and around obstructions.

Blown-In Insulation

This method involves blowing insulation materials into the attic. It's a quick process and ideal for reaching small nooks and crannies.

Insulating the Walls

Wall insulation can be more complex and needs to be done correctly to prevent dampness and other issues.

Cavity Wall Insulation

If your home has cavity walls (walls with a gap between two layers of brick), you can fill this gap with insulation. It can be installed by drilling holes in the external wall and then filling the cavity using a special tool.

Solid Wall Insulation

Solid walls can be insulated from the inside or outside. Internal insulation involves fitting rigid boards to the wall or building a stud wall. External insulation involves fixing a layer of insulation material to the wall and then covering it with a special type of render or cladding.

Insulating the Floors

For the ground floor, you can lay mineral wool insulation supported by netting between the joists. It's worth insulating the upper floors only if the room below is unheated.

Insulating the Doors and Windows

You can use weatherstripping around doors and windows to prevent draughts. Additionally, consider double-glazing or even triple-glazing your windows.

Sealing Air Leaks

Apart from insulating, it's crucial to seal any air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings using caulk or weatherstripping. It can significantly reduce heat loss and increase the efficiency of your insulation.

How to Choose the Right Insulation Material?

When deciding how to insulate your house for winter, choosing the right insulation material is essential. Factors to consider include:

  • Your home's location and design
  • Climate
  • R-value needed
  • Indoor air quality impacts
  • Budget

It's also critical to consider the installation process and whether the insulation will be added to existing construction or a new building. The experts at BuildPro can thoroughly evaluate and recommend the best insulation material for your needs.

How do I Install Insulation?

The procedure of insulation installation is not a simple task that you can undertake without some level of expertise. Certain types of insulation can be installed independently, such as blanket insulation or some sprayable variants. However, for other types, such as loose-fill or blown-in insulation, it's advisable to seek professional help, as these require specific equipment and knowledge for safe and effective application.

At BuildPro, our team of professionals has the training and experience to handle any insulation material and ensure it's installed correctly. We'll seal all air leaks before installing insulation to maximise its effectiveness.

How Much Does It Cost to Insulate Your Home?

The cost to insulate your home can vary greatly depending on the size of your house, the type of insulation you choose, and the area being insulated. On average, the typical cost range for home insulation in Ireland is from €11,000 to €14,500.

It's crucial to remember that insulation is an investment. While there are upfront costs, the savings on your energy bills over time will more than pay for the initial outlay.

The Long-Term Benefits of a Well-Insulated Home

Investing in insulation yields long-term benefits, including:

  • Comfort: Insulation contributes to a more comfortable home year-round by helping maintain a consistent temperature.
  • Cost Savings: You can save a substantial amount on energy costs.
  • Sustainability: By reducing your home's energy consumption, you also reduce your carbon footprint.

Get Ready for Winter with BuildPro

How to insulate your house for winter? The answer is clear – with the help of BuildPro, your trusted consultation company in Ireland, With our expertise in insulation, we can ensure your home is warm, cosy, and energy-efficient this winter.

Don't wait for the chill to hit. Get in touch with BuildPro today!

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.

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